Philippines Bakuc Photos

Some wacky photos during BAKUC 09 philippines ehehehe

wahihihihi watching porn on cellphone??? :P

with Mechapinoy members - Choliks, fritz, Mike Tan, Sidorb
my pamangkins with big scale Gundam 00 riser
sidorb attempt to hold the chest? o_O
with the MP admins :D

Me :) already called on stage getting my entry
oh my i look so happy hahahaha
Donc23 and fritz looks like still fighting on stage. hahahaha peace
He is one of the judges raising hand! saying .... err not sure what he is saying
Bakuc Philippines 09 is over :)

from left to right
Donc23, the Singaporean Judge?, Me, Fritz, and the funny host.
Photo taken form Mechapinoy site. Photographer DocLen
me with the singaporean and japanese judges :)


  1. Hey bro, if I am not mistaken, that Japanese judge is from Bandai department, right? I saw him appear in the HK toy magazine before frequently and he used to bring the latest Bandai toy products information to the reader. :)

  2. No wonder you couldn't understand what he said. Was he talking in Japanese? Hahahahaha
