Project: Zeon Seelen-Schlaggerät update: Waist

update: Scratchbuilt Waist

pla plates 1.0
plastic beams triangle
ball joints
kotobukiya parts
others < forgot the names of the materials T_T.

Project: Zeon Seelen-Schlaggerät update: proton cabling

Updates: i have finished scratch-building a proton cables that connect to the main core. Created using plastic beams (square), pla plates, and energy cables from MG Zaku II.

Project: Zeon Seelen-Schlaggerät update: coreblock prototype

started doing the prototype. I added also some details to emphasize.

On this project i'll put my skills to a new level surpassing my MG GP02A and and also my MG HALO Master Chief Zaku. Hope you guys will like it. :)

below are the prototype of the top core armor and the inner core armor.

The top core armor will be put on top of the inner core armor emphasizing dept and details.

Top view of the inner core armor

Project: Zeon Seelen-Schlaggerät

After the busy days and depressing nights... i have come to my senses and put myself back to the beat. Layouting the design using Adobe Photoshop CS4 which i'm more familiar with.